I’ve always been curious about this statement and would like to ask a beginner’s question if I may...if all is united by Being, is it our Being-ness, our consciousness that unites all and makes reality whole because we are aware of it...Or is reality inherently whole and we just a part of it, held within it perhaps? Beautiful drawing and very apt for the topic of beauty.

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Good question, Sez! Definitely not a beginner's question. Yes, reality is inherently whole but we are not a part of it. We are that reality. Every experience is made up of being-ness or Is-ness or pure knowing. Therefore, what appears as a part is in actuality whole. If you look at the drawing, what appears to be individual objects (trees, grass, mountains, lake, and so on) are essentially the canvas.

They derive existence (meaning, love, beauty) from the canvas and have no independent existence outside of it. There are not two: the consciousness and the content. The consciousness is the content. So it is not that you, me, and the world are separate objects united by Consciousness. The infinite being is appearing as Sez, Jagjot, and the world, whose fundamental nature is completeness, wholeness, or unconditional love. 🙂

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I love this metaphor of the canvas and the drawing and understand it intellectually - I suppose I long to experience it for myself but fear I have created a mental expectation as to how it should feel. Thanks for explaining it so well - I will take it with me, at least understanding it for now. 🙏🏼

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Even the intellectual understanding brings a lot of peace. If this message resonates even at the minutest level then there has been a glimpse of Truth. Not many people are drawn to this message.

As Ramana said, "Your head (ref. ego) is already in the Tiger's mouth." Life itself brings understanding and there's nothing to be "done" by the character to experience anything. Any attempt to experience or feel anything is a reduction (objectification) of the pure awareness. The Sages say, "Simply BE and watch it all dissolve."

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This is wonderfully encouraging, thank you Jagjot. I’ve been sitting with ‘the canvas’ of your metaphor for a few days and it’s almost like the mind cannot exist in this space. It’s too unknowable for it and has no reference of time in which to distinguish itself against. Thanks again for the clarification.

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